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The Moran Group Blog

Welcome to The Moran Group's blog where we feature industry news, marketing strategy tips, and best practices.

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AI Takes Center Stage: Google Marketing Live 2024

Google Marketing Live announced new AI-powered marketing features, enhancing Google Ads strategies and campaign performance. Key updates include ads within AI Overviews, smarter Performance Max campaigns with granular asset-level reporting, and expanded AI capabilities for ad creation. These innovations aim to improve ad effectiveness and efficiency, positioning AI as a central tool in future marketing strategies.
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Navigating FTC Endorsement & Reviews Regulations: Ensuring Compliance and Building Trust

Stay compliant with FTC regulations on endorsements and reviews while building consumer trust. Learn how The Moran Group can help you navigate these rules to maintain transparency and drive business growth.
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Leveraging Reddit for Automotive Dealers: Connecting with Online Car Buyers

Discover how automotive dealers can use Reddit to engage with potential car buyers. Learn tips for maximizing engagement and building trust on this dynamic platform to drive more leads to your dealership.
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What Effect Will the TikTok Ban Have on Advertising?

The potential TikTok ban in the US could shift users to platforms like YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and streaming services, requiring marketers to adapt their strategies to these new channels.
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Google’s Monthly Trending Searches In The Automotive Industry

Each month we break down trending searches for the auto industry. All data is pulled from Google’s Search Trend tool. Check out this month’s trending and top models!
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Leveraging AI for Success: A Data-Driven Approach to Paid Search

Discover how artificial intelligence is transforming Performance Marketing in our latest blog. We delve into the strategic integration of AI within The Moran Group's paid search efforts, exploring innovative features like Smart Bidding and Responsive Search Ads.
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The End Stages of Universal Analytics Begin

Discover how the transition from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 affects your data management. Learn about the timeline for data deletion and access closure in July 2024, and explore how Google's resources and direct communication can aid users during this significant change. Understand the reasons behind the shift, including new features and compliance with privacy laws.
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Cookie Update - Q1 2024

Navigate the evolving landscape of digital advertising as Google tests cookie deprecation. This article provides an update on the shift towards first-party data and contextual targeting amidst testing of Google’s Privacy Sandbox, highlighting The Moran Group’s adaptive strategies in a cookie-less future.
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Crafting a Brand Image with Purpose

Discover how aligning your brand with social responsibility can transform your marketing strategy and foster deep, authentic connections with your audience. This article delves into the importance of ethical practices, guided by the AMA's six ethical values, and how they pave the way for a brand image that resonates with values-driven consumers. Learn to stand out in a saturated market by standing up for what truly matters.
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Why Should Automotive Dealers Advertise on Linear TV?

With the unmatched reach of television, you can transform your marketing strategy into one that builds long-term loyalty and profitability. This article delves into the power of TV advertising to connect with a vast audience, establishing relationships that turn viewers into loyal customers when they're ready to make a decision.
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Driving Success: A Roadmap to Organizing Your Advertising Strategy

Unlock the secrets to a successful advertising strategy with our guide on organizing your marketing efforts. From setting clear goals to monitoring competitor activities, learn how to drive your brand towards lasting success. Dive in now!
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Exploring Healthcare Marketing Trends for 2024: Expert Insights

The healthcare industry is ever-evolving, and staying up-to-date with the latest marketing trends is crucial for success. In this blog, we'll explore the healthcare marketing trends for 2024 with expert insights from the Moran Group Advertising.
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The #1 Way to Win in Marketing...

This blog post unravels the power of truly understanding your audience, from their deepest problems to their unique voices and actions. Embrace a detailed roadmap to tailor your marketing efforts and create resonant, effective campaigns that stand out in a cluttered advertising world.
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Landing Page vs. Blog Post: Which Is Better for Conversions?

Two essential components of digital strategy include blog posts and landing pages. Each component serves a distinct purpose, and understanding their differences can be the key to their successful contribution to your online engagement and conversion optimization on your website. Come along as we dive further into each of these elements of digital strategy and what makes them essential to creating conversions.
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Navigating the Future: Google's Cookie Phase-Out Begins

This week, Google starts testing its new Tracking Protection feature, a major step toward a cookie-less future. Read this insightful article about what this means short-term and long-term for the advertising industry and your marketing strategy.
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Introduction to Threads: What You Need to Know

Meta's Threads is one of the newest widely used social apps launched this year. Read this article to get up to speed on Threads, what it can and can't do, and what might be coming to the network in the future.
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Top 5 Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

Uncover the top five pitfalls to steer clear of in your marketing, from audience missteps to the art of mastering diverse channels. Dive into the world of marketing strategy and discover how to transform challenges into triumphs. Your next successful campaign awaits—read more now.
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Inclusive Marketing: Embracing Diversity

Inclusive marketing is important because it reflects the real world and helps you connect with a wider audience. It is the thoughtful incorporation of different people regarding race, ethnicity, gender identity, disabilities, and all walks of life. When done genuinely, inclusive marketing can take your brand to the next level.
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Leveraging the Problem-Solution Model in Your Messaging Strategy

This post provides practical steps to leverage the Problem-Solution model in marketing, including audience research, crafting problem-centric messaging, highlighting your solution, showcasing benefits and features, sharing success stories, and concluding with a strong call to action.
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The Importance of Customer Reviews and Testimonials: How to Boost Your Reputation

Customer reviews have a crucial role in the digital age, benefiting both businesses and consumers. They build trust and credibility, influencing consumer buying decisions significantly.
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Top Digital Marketing Trends Reshaping the Healthcare Industry

As patients increasingly rely on the internet for information and solutions, digital marketing within the healthcare field has emerged as an indispensable means of reaching, engaging, and retaining patients. Learn more about the trends reshaping the healthcare industry.
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The Power of Retargeting: How to Re-Engage Your Audience Effectively

Discover the game-changing strategy of retargeting to captivate your audience. Learn how this digital tactic delivers ads multiple times to potential customers on the verge of converting.
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3 Tips to Improve Your Patient Bookings for Cosmetic Surgeries

New patient acquisition is essential in order to grow your Cosmetic Surgery practice. Read on to learn The Moran Group’s 3 key tips to improve new patient bookings through a digital media lens.
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The Automotive Standards Council Improves Data Integrity for the Automotive Industry

This article provides insights into the formation of the Automotive Standards Council (ASC) and how a standardized data format can benefit data integrity, comparability, and analysis for businesses in the Automotive industry.
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Why Are My Commercials Being Preempted?

As the political season approaches, it's crucial to grasp three key concepts in order to safeguard your advertising schedule effectively.
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Automotive Lead Trends and How to Adapt

This article provides valuable insights into current lead trends in the automotive industry and offers strategies on how businesses can adapt to these trends effectively.
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4 Ways to Use Psychology to Influence Consumer Behavior

In the world of marketing, creating compelling content that resonates with customers is essential for driving conversions and making sales. In this blog post, we will explore the principles of psychology that can be applied throughout each stage of marketing to create persuasive content and form long-lasting customer relationships.
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Top 3 Takeaways from Localogy’s L23 Marketing Conference

Localogy’s annual event, L23, was held in Coronado Bay in April 2023. The conference focused on SaaS, branding, and marketing solutions for businesses. We’re here to break down the top 3 takeaways!
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Knowing Your Target Audience's Habits Can Help You Reach Them More Effectively

Explore 5 generations with distinct traits and preferences. A must-read for anyone aiming to connect with diverse audiences, aligning strategies with each generation's values for greater success.
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AI In Marketing: Using AI for Targeting and Audience Segmentation

Learn how artificial intelligence (AI) can transform the marketing industry through data analysis, customer targeting, and social media strategies, elevating efficiency and customer engagement for superior business results.
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Top 5 Things Your Mobile Site Needs to Convert Customers

A website optimized for mobile devices is crucial for your business to succeed. Check out our list of the top 5 things your mobile site needs to convert customers!
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Consider Why Twitter Can Still Provide Value To Your Marketing Strategy

The debate surrounding the future of Twitter has been ongoing, but marketers and businesses continue to use it as part of their marketing strategies. Read more about how Twitter can become part of a digital marketing strategy, and contact The Moran Group to learn how we can help.
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From Test Drives to Sales: YouTube Is a Valuable Part of the Buying Process

Customers utilize YouTube as part of their buying cycle, starting with test drive videos several months before buying, followed by competitive comparisons, and finally turning to in-depth vehicle feature videos right before deciding to visit your dealerships.
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Performance Max Deep Dive

Performance Max is a new automated, multi-channel campaign type. Since its introduction, many advertisers have been divided on the topic. To better understand the impact these campaigns can have, it is important to understand what they are and what makes them powerful.
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Latest on Apple Maps Update from The Moran Group Advertising

Apple has recently taken a big step forward in their competition with Google Maps with the recent Apple Maps update. The Moran Group Advertising in Baton Rouge is here to help explain what you need to know about this update!
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Hop On The AI Train for Your Business and Marketing Needs

The Moran Group Ad Agency breaks down AI highlights and how it can be used in your marketing efforts. Read the full blog for details!
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Google Analytics 4 Frequently Asked Questions (GA4 FAQ)

Read some frequently asked questions and their answers in this insightful blog post by one of The Moran Group's digital analytics experts.
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What to do When You’ve Met Your Health Insurance Deductible for the Year

Meeting your health insurance deductible allows you to take advantage of the benefits of your plan. Learn how you can maximize these benefits before the end of the year.
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Industry News Round-up

There is an overwhelming amount of industry news to try to stay on top of with how the advertising industry is constantly evolving and adapting to changes. We at The Moran Group rounded up a few of the most recent news articles we think you should know about and give you the highlights.
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Five Strategies to Recruit Healthcare Workers

The number of people working in healthcare is at a critical tipping point. Recruiting potential employees should be any healthcare organization's top priority.
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Holiday Shopping Outlook

With consumers looking to snag holiday gifts before prices rise, shoppers are planning to start their holiday shopping even earlier this year. Read more about holiday search trends in this insightful post written by The Moran Group's Digital experts.
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How Reels & Video Content Can Take Your Business’s Social Media Presence To The Next Level

The Moran Group’s latest case study dives into how utilizing video content and Instagram reels can gain more exposure and interactions on social media channels.
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Are you ready for Google Analytics 4?

Are you ready to switch from Google’s Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4? Read this post to find out what's coming and what the switch means for your web traffic analytics.
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Marketing Strategies to Increase Patient Bookings

Finding new patients doesn't have to be difficult. Learn how to increase your patient bookings with these effective marketing strategies from The Moran Group.
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Localizing Your Social Media Presence

Localizing your web presence is one way to show your audience you are committed to providing good, useful content while also helping boost engagement. In this blog post, learn more about social media localization and 4 easy ways to get started today.
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How America Listens

Nielsen released their 2022 Audio Today research. In this blog post, The Moran Group's expert Media team shares insights from this research and what it means for your marketing strategy.
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Get More Action Out of Your CTAs

A CTA, or Call To Action, is one of the most important aspects of UI/UX in marketing. Read on to learn how small changes to your CTAs can lead to big results.
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Higher Education Trends In 2022 And Beyond

The events of recent years have caused us all to rethink marketing and communication strategies with our audiences. Read on to see a few trends The Moran Group has identified to help build Higher Education marketing strategies moving forward.
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The Netflix Evolution

Netflix has chosen Microsoft to help add advertising to its platform in early 2023 giving businesses access to the top-rated streaming platform and its large audience.
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Facebook Changes in 2022

Learn more about the major changes Facebook has made so far in 2022 and how those changes can affect your business’s social media presence. 
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Top Takeaways from Google Marketing Live

In the latest installation of Marketing Live, Google announced new features for advertisers on the ads platform. Read on to learn about our top takeaways from the 2022 edition of Google’s Marketing Livestream.
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Why Coupon Merchandising Is Important + 3 Effective Ways To Add Them To Your Marketing Strategy

With the cost of goods steadily increasing, customers are continuously looking for ways to maximize savings. While providing discounts to your goods or services may delay profitable sales, it can have long-term benefits to better help your business.
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Utilizing YouTube Shorts to Boost Engagement

YouTube shorts are a great way to build engagement and attract new customers. Utilizing short-form content under 60 seconds, quickly grab attention and inform your viewers of new products, services, and special offers.
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What We Learned from Google's Dealer Guidebook Case Studies

Learn how to apply the principles in Google's Dealer Guidebook with real-world case studies from our team at the Moran Group. Our experts will show you how to improve your digital marketing strategy today.
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In Case You Didn’t Know, It’s An Election Year! Planning Ahead for Political Preempts

It's political season and that means air time will be a hot commodity in most markets for the remainder of 2022. Our media team shares info and tips to help you navigate the waters and get the most from your media dollar.
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Does Yelp Hate Car Dealers?

If you’re a car dealer who is focused on growing online reviews, you may have found it fairly easy to increase review volume on Facebook or Google. There are a number of tools and strategies for growing review volume that require little to no effort on your part. However, you may have noticed that growing reviews on Yelp is more difficult. Have you ever noticed that some reviews are hidden away in a hard-to-find “Not Recommended” section? ‍
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SEO Content Strategy Tips

When it comes to organic rankings and traffic, a successful content strategy is important. See how content drove increased impressions, clicks, and traffic in our SEO content case study!
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How To Turn Great Ideas Into Successful Ad Campaigns

In this blog post, we examine 4 simple principles that can help you turn your next great idea into your next successful advertising campaign. Read on to learn more.
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Where Are My Site Visitors?

Google Analytics is a reliable source of data and truth for your site traffic. However, if what you're looking for is granular location data, you should be aware of Google Analytics' limitations.
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How The Moran Group Can Help You Find The Perfect Radio Influencer

Reach new customers and build brand recall with effective radio influencer campaigns.
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Generate More Used Car Leads with these VDP Best Practices

In light of recent year's events, online shopping has, without a doubt, become more of the status quo. Dealers should be sure to include the necessary details on each and every used vehicle details page, or VDP, to ensure a quality user experience. Listed below are three key practices to follow in order to increase leads and conversions and improve one's overall automotive digital marketing presence.
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What To Consider Before Bidding On Competitors' Brand Names

Targeting competitor brand keywords, also known as 'brand squatting' or competitive conquesting, may get consumers searching for your competition to notice your products or services. Read more to learn the advantages of this tactic and what to consider before getting started.
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How to Maximize Google’s New Vehicle Listing Ads

You now have a new tool to reach highly qualified local car shoppers, similar to shopping ads already familiar to online consumers. Read more as our team reviews how VLAs work, tips on maximizing performance to drive more vehicle sales, and initial results from the pilot program.
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How We Turned 54 Monthly Conversions Into 277 In Less Than A Year

With urgent care locations popping up on every corner, competition has become high for the Healthcare Industry. Read more about how we achieved exponential lead growth cost/conversion savings for this group of urgent care clinics.
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Gen Z and Higher Education Marketing

As Gen Z continues to move into the higher education arena it's important to make sure you are advertising to them where they spend their time. Read more to learn about how to tailor your higher education marketing toward Gen Z.
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CTV and Performance Advertising

Connected TV, often referred to as CTV, is a television device that is set up to stream long-form video content via the Internet. Along with the massive reach that TV is privy to, CTV allows advertisers to track users and tie back specific purchases or conversions to an ad. Learn more about the benefits of CTV and the impact on your marketing strategy.
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4 Ways to Increase Vehicle Acquisitions

It's no secret that the past couple of years have been challenging for the automotive industry. With fewer new car sales, dealers are taking in fewer trade-ins, and with historically high prices at auction, many are finding that it is not a profitable route to acquiring used inventory. Here are a few, perhaps overlooked, ways you can increase your vehicle acquisitions.‍
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The Truth About Tubi

With streaming viewership (and the number of streaming platforms) at an all time high, knowing about the different platforms and their audiences is crucial for advertising. Read more to learn about one of the most popular streaming platforms, Tubi TV.
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Performance Max Drives Leads For GMC Dealer

Google introduced Performance Max at their 2021 Marketing Livestream event as a multi-channel, automated campaign designed to complement keyword-based paid search. While this may sound similar to campaign types launched in the past, such as Smart campaigns or Local campaigns, Performance Max stands out. Check out these insights from The Moran Group.
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Is Your Business TikTok Ready?

You've probably noticed that TikTok is everywhere! With 100M+ US monthly active users, you should probably be there, too. In this post, The Moran Group's digital experts share critical TikTok insights to help your business get the most from TikTok.
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Get the Most Out of Your SRPs and VDPs with Simple Call-To-Action Changes

One goal of a dealership’s Search Results page and Vehicle Description page is to generate leads from their online customers. Read more to see performance results from simple changes you can make to your website today.
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TikTok Ads: A Success Story

TikTok has established itself as a major player in not only the social media landscape but in online video sharing and entertainment. Learn more about how The Moran Group effectively used TikTok to increase overall student enrollment at a Community College in Texas.
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As the End of Cookies Approaches, What's Next?

The Moran Group's Digital Director, Collin Middleton, provides updates on the end of Google's cookie support and gives us a glimpse of what Google's future holds for online marketing.
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5 Quick Website Fixes That Improve Conversions and User Experience Significantly

The success of digital marketing begins and ends with the user. Understanding your customer journey and website flow can be crucial to your online success. Read about some guidelines that can help the way businesses interact online with their new users.
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5 Ways An App Can Benefit Your Business

Have you ever thought about how an app could benefit your business? The digital team at Moran Group Advertising is here to help show you how an app could help benefit your business. Read more to see what opportunities your business could be missing!
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4 Reasons to Include Cable TV in Your Media Strategy

Advertising on cable television has many advantages for advertisers and can be a very promising choice for maximizing ad budgets. Let’s take a look at some of the main reasons to consider cable television advertising.
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How to Advertise Effectively on Broadcast Linear TV

The Moran Group has a team of experienced Media Buyers with over 70 years of combined media buying experience in markets throughout the country. Our buyers can maximize your budget beyond your imagination!‍
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Reach Hispanic Consumers Through Paid Search With Moran Group Advertising

Looking to create Spanish paid search campaigns for customers in the U.S? Moran Group Advertising can help. Read along for three of the best practices we recommend when looking to expand your reach to Hispanic customers.
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The Moran Group Leverages Technology To Add Benefits for Employees

The Moran Group embraces a “work from home” culture to attract top talent and add flexibility to one of Louisiana’s largest advertising and digital marketing agencies. The Moran Group is growing and diversifying its business by leveraging technology to invest in what it believes to be the heart and soul of the organization: its people.
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Traffic is Back. So is In-Car Audio Listening

As more businesses and schools reopen, and many people are being vaccinated against Covid-19, traffic has returned to the roads at near pre-pandemic levels. This is a great opportunity to reach your target prospects with radio and digital audio advertising. The Moran Group’s Media team can help your business achieve your marketing goals with a smart, cost-efficient media strategy.
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Leveraging Unique Video Content

Leveraging great video content is essential to stay competitive in the digital world. Understanding unique ways to inject video content into your marketing campaign can provide a significant boost in brand recognition, ROI on marketing campaigns and bring more customers to your business. Read more to see insights on how The Moran Group can help you get the most from your marketing campaigns.
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Which Video Platform Is Better For Your Marketing Strategy?

Leran the benefits of Digital Video and Linear TV from The Moran Group's seasoned media experts. Which platform is right for your marketing goals?
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How to Build SEO Value with Your Blog from the Moran Group Advertising

Looking for tactics to optimize the SEO value of your website’s blog? The SEO team at The Moran Group Advertising is here to help you create a strategic blog plan for your business. Read more to learn how to get the most out of your blog to better reach your business goals.
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Marketing to Gen Z

Use these 6 tips and guiding principles when developing your marketing strategies for your next Gen Z-focused advertising campaign. The Moran Group’s creative team can help your campaign achieve your marketing goals for this new generation. Read more to learn how to develop better Gen Z marketing strategies in your campaigns.
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Creative Best Practices - 10 Tips for Better Creative

Use these 10 tips and guiding principles when developing creative and messaging strategies for your next advertising campaign. The Moran Group’s creative team can help your campaign achieve its marketing goals. Read more to learn how to create better creative in the digital advertising space.
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5 Google My Business Features You May Not Know About - From The Moran Group Advertising 

Google My Business is a great, free resource to local and small businesses. We’re here to call out five features you may not be familiar with and walk you through how to add them. See the step-by-step guide in The Moran Group's blog!
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Google’s 2021 Dealer Guidebook and 4 Key Takeaways

Google released its Automotive Guidebook 2.5 over the weekend. Here’s what you need to know: Shoppers Expect More, Bring Your Inventory to the Forefront, Match Your Measurement to Selling Cars and Move Into the World of Automation, and Prioritize Video.
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State of Automotive & Consumer Behaviors, week of 9/20

We're constantly searching for the most current and relevant industry and consumer information to keep your campaigns on target.
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State of Automotive & Consumer Behaviors, week of 8/31

We're constantly searching for the most current and relevant industry and consumer information to keep your campaigns on target.
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State of Automotive & Consumer Behaviors, week of 8/10

We're constantly searching for the most current and relevant industry and consumer information to keep your campaigns on target.
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Best Practices for Political Advertising in 2020

This article discusses the current political advertising climate and key trends for the 2020 election. See how you can get the competitive advantage.
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State of Automotive & Consumer Behaviors, week of 7/20

We're constantly searching for the most current and relevant industry and consumer information to keep your campaigns on target.
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State of Automotive & Consumer Behaviors, week of 6/1

We're constantly searching for the most current and relevant industry and consumer information to keep your campaigns on target.
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Is White Labeling Right for My Agency?

White labeling is an attractive option due to its flexibility and scalability. Outsourcing tasks like content creation allows agencies to focus on what they do best, recruit the best talent for each project, and support their clients' growth.
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Increasing New Patient Leads in the Hospice and Nursing Home Industries

Healthcare service providers can tap into the power of online campaigns to generate new leads.
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How Media Consumption Has Changed With COVID-19

How media consumption has changed with COVID-19. Let’s break down the data across different demographics.
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State of Automotive & Consumer Behaviors, week of 5/11

We're constantly searching for the most current and relevant industry and consumer information to keep your campaigns on target.
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The Small Business’s Guide to Social Media During the Coronavirus

Small businesses are facing a multitude of challenges in the wake of coronavirus. One of those challenges is having to scrape existing social media strategies and quickly switch gears. In this guide, we walkthrough communicating changes to your followers, as well as appropriate tone and content.
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Put A Primetime Spotlight On Used Car Sales

The first quarter is big for used car sales. To align your dealership with this seasonal trend The Moran Group has put together marketing best practices to ensure your dealership is taking full advantage of used car shopper interest.
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Put the WIN Back In Winter With An Email Campaign Geared For Service

Timely, targeted, service email campaigns can help you stock up on pre-owned inventory and deliver your customer base with the services they need all in one.
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