Traffic is Back. So is In-Car Audio Listening

Traffic is Back. So is In-Car Audio Listening

Date Published:
Thursday, April 22, 2021

As more businesses and schools reopen and many people are being vaccinated against Covid-19, traffic has returned to the roads at near pre-pandemic levels. This is a great opportunity to reach your target prospects with radio and digital audio advertising as consumers are spending more time in their vehicles again. 

  • According to Iteris, a global leader in smart mobility infrastructure management, daily miles driven in the US dropped by almost 50% in late March/early April 2020. 
  • Today, daily miles driven across the US are hovering around -15% compared to pre-pandemic…a sizable increase in the past few months.
  • Only 23% of the American workforce is working from home due to COVID-19 changes, according to a monthly report released by the US Dept of Labor in Jan '21.
  • 65% of children K-12th grade are attending school physically at least one day per week, according to Burbio.
  • Public transportation and ride-sharing continue to see significant ridership declines as more Americans turn to their personal vehicles, or many are buying personal vehicles for the first time. According to a survey from August 2020:
  • ~67% increased their reliance on or need for a personal vehicle
  • ~62% of workers swapped public transportation for their personal vehicle 
  • ~57% of people who purchased a car in the first half of 2020 said it was due to Covid-19
  • Edison Research and Triton Digital's March 2021 "The Infinite Dial" survey indicates that 50% of US residents ages 12+ have listened to streaming audio through a cell phone while in a car, an increase of five percentage points year over year. Streaming audio is a great complement to traditional radio campaigns to ensure the greatest reach of your target audience.
  • Traditional morning and late afternoon "rush hour" traffic volumes have not returned fully in some markets; however, new driving time patterns with heavier volume throughout the entire day have emerged.
  • The increased traffic volume is predicted to continue as vaccinations increase, more businesses reopen, and miles driven return closer to normal heading into summer.  
  • Now is the time for marketers to invest in traditional radio and digital audio advertising to reach this captive audience when they're in their cars and are seeking their favorite audio content. 
  • Contact us today! The Moran Group's Media team can help your business achieve your marketing goals with a smart, cost-efficient media strategy.


  • iHeartMedia: "Are Americans Returning to the Roads?", Feb 2021
  • Iteris
  • US Dept of Labor
  • Burbio's K 12 School Opening Tracker+, as of 2/9/2021
  • survey, fielded August 13th – 14th, 2020
  • Edison Research and Triton Digital, March 2021 "The Infinite Dial"
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