Leveraging Unique Video Content

Leveraging Unique Video Content

Daron Short
Date Published:
Wednesday, April 7, 2021

What if there was a way to dramatically increase retention rate, engagement and virality in your marketing campaigns? Video is the secret to great marketing content and cutting through the clutter.

In a survey provided by Hubspot, Video content ranked as the highest type of content people pay close attention to. Marketers who invest in producing quality video content today are best positioned to get the undivided attention of many people online."

In another survey done by SocialMediaToday, over 90% of consumers say video can help them make buying decisions.

If your marketing campaigns aren't utilizing video content yet, you're potentially missing a large part of your target audience. Here are a few unique and key ways to leverage video content in your campaigns.

Explainer Videos

Examples: Content explaining a benefit package in detail, content demonstrating ease of online purchase process, or content to ease onboarding into a new service.

Objective: Reduces friction into onboarding/purchase. Provides awareness of product or service.

  • 85% of users tell they are more likely to buy something after seeing an explainer video about it. - Yansmedia


Example: Positive Reviews, Influencer Endorsement

Objective: Content to provide social proof.

  • According to a Nielsen survey, 82% of Americans say they seek recommendations from friends and family before making a purchase.
  • A report from Minter found 70% of Americans seek out opinions from review sites or independent review sites before making purchases - Sproutsocial

Product Tour

Examples: Walkaround of a product/vehicle, In-depth tour of certain functions within a product. 

Objective: Ease decision to purchase a product or service.

  • 97% of marketers are sure an explainer video helped their users to get a better understanding of a product or service.
  • 80% of customers start deciding on purchase from watching YouTube videos about the product. - YansMedia


Examples: Sales Event, New product in stock, Rare item in stock, New addition to service, New addition to facility, New safety or service process.

Objective: Build brand awareness, Product/Service Awareness.

  • Video ads were the #1 way consumers discovered a brand they later purchased - Animoto

Personalized Videos/Email Content

Examples: Personalized thank you video via email, Announcement/Sales Event via email, Personalized product walkaround/tour video

Objective: Build rapport, trust, and loyalty with the customer.

  • Emails with video have 300% better click rates.
  • Video emails have a 96% higher click-through rate. - YansMedia

Company culture videos.

Examples: Social media Posts, Employee Interviews, Employee Training/Announcements.

Objective: Providing a behind the scenes look at the day-to-day of your company's culture can help build brand awareness.

  • 21% of shoppers purchased a new product because it was from a brand they like. - Invespcro

“Stop thinking of ‘video marketing’ as this separate entity that is optional for your business. Video is an effective form of communication that needs to be integrated into each and every aspect of your existing marketing efforts.” –James Wedmore

These are just a few ways to begin utilizing videos for marketing campaigns. Marketing content is often the first contact point for customers and your business. It's crucial to build high quality engaging video content to create lasting impressions on customers. If you're looking for a few tips to get started with great video content check out our article here

Don’t waste another dime on ineffective, outdated marketing material. Level up your marketing with high-quality, engaging, targeted, professionally designed video content and partner with the pros at The Moran Group.

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